Jul 09, 2024

Top 10 Inbound Marketing Strategies to Enhance Your Marketing Campaigns

Looking to build strong relationships with your potential and existing customers? Use the power of SEO, social media, video content and content marketing to attract attention, convert and increase sales. It’s all about inbound marketing, which is a technique that focuses on creating reasons why your potential customers should buy your products and services. We’re here to tell you about the features of inbound marketing, compare it to some other popular marketing techniques, and give you options for using it to grow your business.

How Does Inbound Marketing Work?

Based on valuable and useful content, inbound marketing is a technique aimed at attracting potential users. By creating and regularly publishing high-quality content in various formats, you can achieve a higher number of repeat visits as well as an increased level of engagement from existing customers.

For example, you own an iGaming platform and want to expand your user base of real-money gamblers and bettors. Using an inbound marketing strategy, you can create quality content targeted at your potential customers. You can write articles with poker or blackjack betting strategies, cover sports news or offer tips on smart bankroll management. The main idea here is that you establish yourself as an expert in your field.

So, to succeed with inbound marketing, your main goal is to provide value. Then you can more easily convert potential customers into users of your iGaming platform. Because today’s internet users are more demanding, they expect to receive something of value from brands throughout their interactions. Keep reading to find out how to use inbound marketing to its maximum potential no matter what area your online business is operating in.

Purpose and Importance of Inbound Marketing

So, the main goal of inbound marketing is to attract potential customers by creating and distributing valuable content that is targeted to the needs of your audience. This means that you need to focus on creating informative and useful content that solves potential customers’ problems instead of just pushing your products or services. Here are a few reasons why this strategy is important today:

  • Consumer behaviour is changing rapidly. Trusting recommendations and reviews from opinion leaders, today’s consumers prefer to seek information about products and services they are interested in on their own. Offering relevant content at opportune moments, an inbound marketing strategy aligns with these modern preferences.
  • Establishing long-term relationships. By using inbound marketing, you can establish a strong and trusting relationship with potential customers thereby increasing the chances of repeat conversions.
  • Cost-effectiveness. Unlike traditional advertising which can hit your budget, inbound marketing requires less financial outlay to generate a steady stream of customers over the long term.
  • Increased visibility of your brand. By creating and regularly publishing quality content, you can improve your position in search engines thereby attracting more organic traffic.
  • Scalability. By using this strategy correctly, you will be able to scale your efforts without proportionately increasing your costs.

So, if you wish to improve the position of your business in your niche and ensure its competitiveness, you should not neglect using such a powerful tool as inbound marketing.

Inbound Marketing and Other Important Topics Covered at Upcoming iGaming Events

Encompassing online gambling and sports/eSports betting, iGaming is one of the most promising areas for marketers and webmasters today. With the growing number of gambling and betting enthusiasts, iGaming platforms, and the trend to legalise iGaming across the globe, the services of affiliate marketers are becoming more and more in demand. That’s why you shouldn’t ignore important industry events such as iGB Live 2024 Amsterdam.

Scheduled to take place on 16-19 July, the iGB Live Conference is an important event in the world of iGaming where 9,000+ industry pioneers will participate. By joining the conference, you will be able to connect with affiliate managers and find out exactly what they expect from you as an affiliate. The iGB conference opens up almost unlimited opportunities for casino affiliates to network with iGaming technology and service providers to create optimised campaigns and build strong relationships with brands. In addition, you will be able to learn about the best strategies to reach markets, reduce advertising costs and increase your competitiveness also through inbound marketing.

The participation of the young and promising gambling program Affter at the iGB Conference is pleasant news for many. With multiple gambling/betting offers, 60+ GEOs, flexible payout models, in-house media buying, as well as many ready-made marketing materials and tools, the Affter affiliate program is trusted by many major brands. As a betting affiliate program, Affter has also prepared many exclusive offers designed for the European Championship 2024. Stay tuned for news and updates to be informed about all that Affter offers to sportsbook and casino affiliates.

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing

Varying in their approach to customers as well as the results they produce, these techniques are distinct. So, outbound marketing is all about engaging more actively with your audience to gauge the interest of potential customers in what you are offering. As far as outbound marketing strategies are concerned, they include having an active presence on social media, engaging in door-to-door sales and even making cold calls.

As for inbound marketing strategies, they focus on attracting the customer to your business. At the core of this tactic is the creation of quality and relevant content that can solve your audience’s problems. Thus, it focuses on content as opposed to outbound marketing where sales campaigns are at the forefront. Also, instead of focusing on new user conversions, it builds awareness of your brand. Time and budget savings are additional advantages of inbound marketing over outbound one.

Inbound Marketing vs. Content Marketing

While inbound marketing is a heavily content-centric strategy, it is not the same as content marketing. The latter is a strategy focused on creating quality content tailored to the interests of your audience. As a content marketer, you focus on creating blog posts, and articles specific to your niche, and interacting with users in the comments.

Inbound marketing is a more comprehensive strategy that also applies content marketing techniques. Apart from content creation, it also focuses on a host of other elements such as pop-ups, subscription forms, calls to action and others. So, for a better understanding of the differences between the two marketing techniques, we have given the following points:

  • While content marketing focuses on content creation and distribution, inbound marketing uses many more tools including SEO, lead generation, email, social platforms and others.
  • Content marketing focuses on creating valuable content to attract and engage audiences while inbound marketing focuses on the entire customer interaction cycle including attraction and retention.
  • Inbound marketing also makes extensive use of analytics and personalisation tools to evaluate and improve the customer experience.

So, while content marketing is a key component of inbound marketing, the latter includes a wider range of techniques and tools aimed at attracting, engaging and retaining customers.

Inbound Marketing Stages

So, if you’re on the lookout for promising marketing ideas, you’ve come to the right place. Now that you understand inbound strategy, it’s time to move on to looking at how you can put it into practice. Based on the best inbound marketing tactics, we’ve identified 4 steps to implementing an inbound marketing campaign:

  1. Attracting potential customers. This involves finding people interested in your content and products and attracting them to your online resources such as a website, blog or social media profile. To become more visible to your target audience, you need to use keywords and hashtags relevant to your niche.
  2. Convert potential customers into your users. As you know, almost all marketing tactics are aimed at ensuring that you can convert a customer in the long run. To achieve this goal, you can use enticing calls to action, and leadmagnets to incentivise potential customers to subscribe to your newsletters through emails, sign-up forms and more. For example, Dropbox uses free versions of some of its services to attract and convert users. Utilise inbound marketing best practices of competitors in your niche to significantly increase conversion rates.
  3. Extra incentives to close deals. In most cases, conversion is much more than just asking a potential customer to sign up with you. Many businesses face the problem of abandoned shopping carts when a visitor – for one reason or another – has left your site before making a purchase. You can use a variety of automation tools to send personalised messages containing a gentle reminder of the abandoned cart and offering something of value to encourage the customer to complete the targeted action.
  4. Increase satisfaction of existing users. To delight your customers who have made a purchase, you can send thank you emails, discount offers and other incentives. By doing so, you can encourage your customers to write a positive review about you. Thus, you can fix potential problems in their early stages, and incentivise them to buy from you in the future.

Ultimately, by utilising these inbound techniques in your campaigns, you will be able to effectively engage with your customers all along the way.

Inbound Marketing Strategies to Increase the Performance of Your Business

So, it’s time to move on to inbound marketing strategies that you can use to grow your business. Below, we’ve listed 10 of the best inbound strategy variants worthy of your attention regardless of what niche you’re in.

Harness the Power of Facebook to Create a Targeted Persona

As the social platform with the largest audience in the world, Facebook is ideal for your marketing campaigns. Use Facebook Insights to get demographic details about your target audience as well as analyse follower activity. This will help you create a targeted persona representing the profile of your ideal customer. With the inbuilt features of the social platform, you can find out hobbies, favourite pages, age groups, geographical location and much more. According to inbound marketing best practices, using a target persona will help you develop campaigns centred on the interests and needs of your target audience.

Conduct Surveys Among Your Potential Customers and Leads

Another way to get to know your target audience better is to conduct surveys. Learn their problems and pain points to develop more useful, valuable and relevant content that attracts and engages potential customers. For example, if you have a database of email addresses, you can use automation tools to create and send surveys directly to your subscribers’ inboxes.

Perform In-Depth Interviews with the Most Engaged Customers

Get to know your target audience better and select a few people who are willing to contact you to learn more about their interests and preferences. You can make phone calls or use video calling services to communicate with them more closely. Find out if they are willing to take a few minutes of their time to speak with you.

Add value to your call by letting them know that it works in some way like free counselling. During the conversation, try to ask about their difficulties and concerns in detail. This will allow you to better understand what type of content and information is most appropriate for your target audience.

Publish Useful Content

The biggest mistake you can make is publishing articles and videos that contain generic information aimed at a broad audience. According to inbound marketing best practices, you need to create quality content tailored to your audience’s interests. Conduct A/B testing and constantly adapt your content to make it the best fit for your potential customers.

Make your Headlines Eye-Catching

To attract attention to your content, you need to come up with compelling headlines that grab your potential customers. Given the nature of most people, headlines that include a bit of negativity are the most eye-catching. For example, casino affiliates may write articles about unworkable online slot betting strategies using the “worst slots betting strategies you should bypass” headline to better attract slot enthusiasts. However, this doesn’t mean that all your headlines have to be negative.

Diversify Your Content with Visual and Interactive Elements

Modern internet users who prefer video and image content are unlikely to read your long text posts. So, try to dilute text blocks with images, animations, video clips and infographics. Statistics show that visual content provides a higher conversion rate. Thus adding visual elements to your content is one of the best marketing inbound tips.

Create Long Articles Backed by Data

To prove that you are an expert in your field, you need to write long articles based on comprehensive research. Add as much data and analysis as possible to make your content more professional and convincing to potential clients. Moreover, this makes your articles more attractive to search engines whose ranking algorithms become more sophisticated year after year.

Storytelling Technique Still Works

Dry texts written in academic language are too boring for your target audience. So instead, try writing articles that tell stories to create an emotional connection with your potential customers. Look for opportunities to add stories to your articles to create a testimonial of what you offer.

Publish Guest Posts Regularly

Guest posting is one of the best inbound techniques that you should not ignore. The purpose of guest posting is to expand your audience, improve SEO through getting backlinks and establish authority in your niche. However, try to be consistent in what you post to maintain brand consistency, build trust and authority and improve your online visibility.

Look for Blogs with Large Audiences of Engaged Users

To make your guest posts work as effectively as possible, you need to look for blogs with a large number of potential customers who are highly engaged. Keep in mind that there are a lot of blogs with a spoilt audience that doesn’t respond to your content. Look at the comments under blog posts to get an idea of the level of audience engagement.

Bottom Line

So, inbound marketing is a powerful strategy adapted to today’s consumer preferences. By creating your inbound marketing plan, you can effectively engage and satisfy your customers through valuable and relevant content, personalised approaches and automation tools. Unlike traditional marketing, it allows you to create long-term customer relationships, and increase your brand visibility as well as your credibility. By following our marketing inbound tips, you will not only attract new customers but also retain them, thus creating a sustainable foundation for further growth and development of your business.

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