Mar 01, 2024

Promoting affiliate marketing gambling offers via popunder/clickunder traffic

Affiliates get pop-traffic with the help of popup ad banners. The difference between popups, popunders and clickunders lies in the time and place they trigger. Popups appear above the page the user has opened. Less aggressive popunders and clickunders open in a separate window or tab.

What’s popunder and clickunder traffic

The difference between popunder and clickander is as follows:


  • clickunder opens when the user clicks anywhere on the page;
  • popunder opens whenever the website is loaded;

That’s all there is to it. Everything else is the same. The same creatives are suitable for both formats, the target settings are also similar. Often, pop-traffic ad platforms work with both formats.

Features of clickunder and popunder traffic

Their main advantages:


  • wide audience coverage;
  • simple to set up and launch;
  • don’t irritate users as much as popups;
  • the lowest CPM cost out of all traffic sources;
  • work properly and ensure conversions on different device types;
  • the ad is opened on a separate page and gets more views than popups;

Features of working with types of this traffic:

For more accurate analytics and calculations, it’s best to launch multiple campaigns in different countries.

You need to constantly keep track of the sources your traffic is coming from and blacklist those with low conversion rates. And vice versa – whitelist websites that bring in quality traffic and raise your auction bid for them. That’s how you optimize popunder and clickunder traffic.

Test out as many options, banners, GEOs and device types as you can. The testing phase for pop-traffic takes up a lot more time and resources compared to other sources. But later, the campaigns run a lot smoother.

Be sure to use a tracker for better analytics.

Popunder and clickunder can be shown to the same user several times, so it is important to set limits on impressions, up to once.

According to statistics, clickunder is more effective, because popunder opens before the user views the desired page and is closed more often.

The landing page users are sent to mustn’t look suspicious in any way, otherwise you’ll get a lot of people following the link but few will actually convert into leads.

Where to drive popunder/clickunder traffic to

A vital part of this bundle is the landing page. The ad must grab the attention of a potential player. The ad must grab the attention of a potential player. The landing page contains a sales funnel and content that helps settle the person’s doubts and objections. Moreover, pop-traffic is cold and unmotivated, so if you drive it directly to the offer, the conversion rate will be close to zero. That’s where the landing page comes in – warms up the user.

The main goal of popunder and clickunder ads is to attract attention and show the user your call to action. That’s why your creatives should be should be bright and flashy. On the landing page, the webmaster can display all the info about the casino or betting service, it’s advantages, reviews and registration bonuses. A button with a link to the offer itself is placed via a call to action.

Quality of popunder/clickunder traffic

The wide audience coverage and enormous traffic volumes are these sources’ main advantages. But at the same time, ad networks often have a lot of bots. So do your homework thoroughly before choosing a pop-traffic grid (and go for the verified famous ones). The sources where ads are displayed also affect the quality of traffic. This is a gigantic number of websites and not always the ones with your target audience. The webmaster can control this through statistics and disable irrelevant sites by blacklisting them.

Strategy for launching and working with popunder/clickunder ads

A popular tactic for using this source is to:


  • launch multiple test campaigns with different creatives and wide targeting settings;
  • see which creative has the highest conversion rate;
  • disable poorly converting campaigns;
  • optimize the traffic quality by white- and blacklisting websites
  • increase bids for converting sources, if necessary;

When it comes to popunder and clickunder traffic, your biggest task is tests. Once the webmaster finds a working bundle (suitable creative/GEO/audience/display time), all that remains is to optimize the traffic by disabling the websites that convert poorly.

Creatives in popunder/clickunder ads

Clickunder and popunder creatives are designed around the same principle, that’s why we’ll go over them by vertical:

For betting offers, creatives are most often sports events-themed or feature fictional characters belonging to that GEO that got a big payout.

As for gambling, the best-performing options are creatives that mention bonuses, showcase the brand’s slots and the offer itself.

Be sure to include a call to action on each creative.


Cases of driving traffic via popunder/clickunder

The team drove traffic to the Affter offer for Ukraine. The landing page they used featured an event announcement – an MMA fight and it showed the odds for each participant.

The targeting settings were meant to cover the widest audience possible. Users were targeted only by age (the main target audience of betting offers is aged 22 to 35), GEO and language. Test results allowed the team to compile a blacklist, with only converting platforms remaining. Total expenses amounted to 120,000 rubles, revenue – 209,500, net profit – 89,500. ROI 174%

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